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  • 07:56 Populaire top Funny Kids, Funny Animals Compilation

    top Funny Kids, Funny Animals Compilation

    par Cybernard Ajoutées 892 Vues / 0 Likes

    best funny videos

  • 05:32 Populaire Nonstop Funny dogs & cats

    Nonstop Funny dogs & cats

    par Cybernard Ajoutées 1,070 Vues / 0 Likes

    Animals Acting Like Humans | Dogs Acting Like Humans | Cats Acting Like Humans | Dogs Acting Like People | Cats Acting Like People | Dog Acting Like a Human | Cat Acting Like Human | Dogs Behaving Like Humans | Cats Behaving Like Humans | Dogs Doing Human

  • 02:52 Populaire Baby Elephant Trying to Wake up a Dog!

    Baby Elephant Trying to Wake up a Dog!

    par Cybernard Ajoutées 1,417 Vues / 0 Likes

    'to licence this video please contact'3 vs 1 trying to wake up a dog: an elephant, a human and a rooster.It wasn't very succesful as you can see.Still this baby elephant was very curious and determined to play with this doggy.Feel Fr
